Apr 30, 2021
Today, Al and I discuss his path to perfusion. We examine how his career in perfusion research began, how it has changed over the years, and how it led him to winning the John H. Gibbon Jr. award. This prestigious award honors a candidate for making a significant contribution to the cardiopulmonary discipline...
Apr 26, 2021
Today, Ray and I discuss the motivation behind his journey to become a neurosurgeon. We also examine why exactly someone might seek out his medical speciality and how his field is innovatively prioritizing patient care.
Apr 12, 2021
Today Quincy and I discuss The New School of Perfusion that will soon be opening its doors at Lipscomb university. In doing so we talk about what goes into opening a school of perfusion, how Lipscomb came to the decision to open such a school, And how a partnership with SpecialtyCare was vital in helping make that decision